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Plugins for WordPress

Free WordPerfect Plugins

Welcome to my collection of WordPerfect plugins! These tools were developed to enhance my own use of WordPerfect, and I hope you find them just as useful. All plugins are offered free of charge, but if you benefit from them, a small donation would be greatly appreciated as a token of your encouragement and support.

Available Plugins

(List will appear here shortly, finishing up another plugin that will show my plugins here. Until then, the menu above lists them)

How to Install a Plugin

1. Download the plugin file using the provided link.

2. Open WordPerfect.

3. Go to the `Tools` menu and select `Macros`.

4. Choose `Play` and navigate to the downloaded plugin file.

5. Select the file and click `Open`.


If you find these plugins helpful and would like to support further development, please consider making a small donation. Your support is greatly appreciated!

Donation Link: Support Your local Programmer

Thank you for your support and encouragement!